Fire effectively lacks a slow against enemies that have between 50%-70% slows with 100% up-time. Spec issues - Arcane is too susceptible to interrupts since everything except RoF and Frost Nova is on the same school, including our Blink, Spellsteal, Counterspell and Polymorph, basically leaving us dead in the water. Primary defensives are dispellable - what use is a 20% barrier when it can instantly be dispelled by multiple classes? We are heavily built around chance - instead of just having straight up damage, we have to pray to RNGesus for procs like BF/FoF for Frost, % crits to trigger Hot Streak for FIre and Clearcasting for Arcane. Almost all of our damage is either from hard-casting or from procs that are triggered from hard-casting, making us stupidly susceptible to pseudo-/interrupts,

No meaningful DoT effects - all other casters have casts that deal some serious damage over time with relatively easy application. Only class with dispellable offensive cooldowns - for a long time now, all non-mage damage CDs have been dispel immune. Only class with a CC that BENEFITS THE ENEMY - seriously, no other CC has a beneficial effect on the target, why the hell does Polymorph heal the enemy? It is basically a crap version of Fear, the sole reason it’s any good is because it only DRs with Hex. Only class with no hard CC (CC that doesn’t break on damage) - every other class either baseline or talented hard CC, some have it to such a degree that they can hit the DR cap on their own. Only class with no heal - since Temporal Shield is actually a 6 second barrier for your current hp, rather than a heal.

It’s not like we’re asking for a lot, just to be brought in line with other classes:.